West Coast Styles

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What more can I say? Top billin’! We broke you off with a video HipHop50 feature and now we give you a written one. This special interview features none other than Milk Dee of the Audio Two! And if you don’t know “Top Billin’” then you need to seriously educate yourself about hip-hop. Our own Todd “DG” Davis is the one conducting the interview and the brainchild behind the HipHop50 series. Read below!

First things first, this year (August 11th) marked the 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop — What exactly does that mean to and for you? 

It means we’ve come a long way and, personally, it made me realize how long I’ve been a part of the culture [39 years]. Hip Hop is engraved in history and is the biggest influence on world culture.

To quote the late, great The Notorious B.I.G., “You never thought that Hip Hop would take it this far!” — Was this something that you ever could’ve imagined? 

I always knew Hip Hop was going to take over the world.

What are some of your fondest, most stand-out moments / memories from your lengthy tenure in this thing called Hip Hop?

I have so many great memories it would be impossible to pick one. I fell in love with Hip Hop when I heard the Kool Moe Dee versus Busy Bee battle tape that also had Grandmaster Caz and Cold Crush 4 [Brothers].

That said, what are your future plans and / or goals throughout the remainder of 2023, going right into ‘24?

I spend a lot of time on personal growth. I create everyday and I try to give back.

Switching gears here, what exactly do you want people to get from your music? 

I love music. There is nothing better to me than songs that make me feel something. So, I’d like my music to make people feel something.    

 On a more serious note, are you happy with the current state of Hip Hop?

I think music is a sign of the times. I search for Hip Hop that makes me feel something. 

What do you feel has and will continue to be the key to your longevity?

I feel like I’ve been blessed and I’m so grateful. I also keep a positive attitude.       

Do you have any other outside / additional (future) aspirations, maybe even completely away from entertainment?

I’m doing some teaching, which fulfills Me, so I’d like to continue doing that.

What’s an average day like for you?

I create everyday, I spend time with my family and I try to grow as a person everyday.

Please discuss how you interact with and respond to fans… 

I truly appreciate people that support and enjoy my music. I’m the worst at social media, but I try to respond and let them know how much I appreciate them.

What is your favorite part about this line of work? Your least favorite? And, why? 

I enjoy being able to be creative and spend my time doing something I love. Sometimes the politics can be overwhelming.

What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

I’d say follow your dreams and don’t give up no matter what others say. 

Lastly, what’s up with Gizmo these days? 

Giz is chillin’!

Looking ahead, say five or maybe even ten years from now, where do you see yourself? 

I’d like to continue being myself and doing what I’ve done my whole life.   

Any “parting” words for our readers?

I think we should all practice an “attitude of gratitude” and spread love.


Milk Dee of Audio Two checks in for an exclusive WCS HipHop50 interview!

Milk Dee of Audio Two checks in for an exclusive WCS HipHop50 interview!

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