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Detroit, Michigan, rapper / songwriter Byron “Guilty” Simpson’s esteemed career in music actually now spans back more than two decades. In addition, The Motor City representative is also part of two reputable Hip Hop collectives; Random Axe, alongside Black Milk and the late Sean Price, as well as Almighty Dreadnaughtz.


First things first, last year (August 11th to be exact) marked the 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop — What exactly does that mean to and for you?

Guilty: It means a lot; it means longevity. It means Hip Hop culture is permanent. When we were kids we were told it wouldn’t last long, so it feels like a victory knowing that wasn’t true at all.

To quote the late, great The Notorious B.I.G., “You never thought that Hip Hop would take it this far!” — Was this something that you ever could’ve imagined?

Guilty: I can’t say I imagined all this, but Hip Hop always felt permanent to me. The worldwide acceptance is something I didn’t predict because Hip Hop always felt underground to me. So I’d say the most surprising part is the acceptance worldwide on a commercial level. Pretty good for a “fad!!”

What are some of your fondest, most stand-out moments / memories during your lengthy tenure in this thing called Hip Hop?

Guilty: I’d say the open mic experience in Detroit is one of my fondest early memories, learning the craft amongst my peers at home. Now looking back, my favorite memories are traveling meeting different people that love Hip Hop!!

That said, what are your future plans and / or goals throughout the remainder of 2024 and beyond?

Guilty: I just finished a project with a producer named Kong the Artisan from London. Named Giants of the Fall. That’s next up for me…I’m going to keep creating music until I don’t feel inspired anymore. I refuse to be forced out of the game due to age, so I’m going to keep sharing the gift.

Switching gears here, what exactly do you want people to get from your music?

Guilty: More than anything I want them to get truth! I want them to say I made the truth sound good. I’m not the artist that’s here to make you dance, but I have records people can dance to.

If you could collaborate with any one artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Guilty: Bob Marley. I love his message! He made the truth sound excellent!

If you could play any venue in the world, which one would you choose and why?

Guilty: Any festival in Africa. I want to rock a festival over there so bad!!

On a more serious note, are you happy with the current state of Hip Hop?

Guilty: Not totally. I wish more diverse music was in the mainstream. Seems like only 1 lane gets the shine. The raunchy lane. I want the kids to be able to listen to a wide range of music. Keeps the young minds fresh. I’m very happy to see artists earning and feeding their families though, so it’s not all bad.

What do you feel has and will continue to be the key to your longevity?

Guilty: I fell in love with the creative process a long time ago and I also read, so that’s key for me. I stay informed and stay in form. Creating music is therapeutic for me, so I have no signs of slowing down in my mind. As long as I am breathing, I’m sure I will write in some form.

Do you have any other outside / additional (future) aspirations, maybe even completely away from entertainment?

Guilty: I want to travel more and take pictures. I’m big on landscapes and beautiful views, so maybe make a “cool places” type of book with my travel experiences. Cool pics, food, cars, people, etcetera. Maybe starting my own pod playing old music. That peaks my interest as well.

What’s an average day like for you?

Guilty: I am a family man, so that’s not too exciting; mostly consisting of lighting one up and listening to some music and putting my thoughts down. Even if I’m not recording, I try to write daily to gage where I am mentally and how I feel about things. I think that’s important for writers to express, even when they feel like they aren’t in their best light. When I’m not creating and I’m home, I am usually watching sports. Big sports fan.

Please discuss how you interact with and respond to fans…

Guilty: I interact with my fans online. I also interact with them if I come into contact with them face-to-face. I am definitely an approachable person, so if someone sees me and recognizes me I talk to them or take a picture or whatever it is they need within reason. And, I’m also reachable for aspiring rappers or producers working on their own projects being featured.

What is your favorite part about this line of work? Your least favorite? And, why?

Guilty: My favorite part about being a Hip Hop artist is, I am able to travel and meet people from different walks of life. It makes me a more well-rounded person to be in tune with different cultures and the way they do things. The least favorite thing is creating my art with the pressure of upholding the standard someone else set for you. Sometimes it feels like everything we create is under a magnifying glass and being judged by people that don’t even understand your mind state. I create for myself. Anyone feeling it besides me is a bonus. But I trust my ear more than anyone else in the world, so I sleep fine with my decisions.

What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Guilty: No matter how talented you are, work like you have no talent. Sometimes people that are talented feel so entitled that they don’t get anything done. They think their talent is enough. Hard work beats talent.

Looking ahead, say five or maybe even ten years from now, where do you see yourself?

Guilty: Somewhere traveling to remote places and eating amazing food!!

Is there anything I left out or just plain forgot to mention?

Guilty: Support Hip Hop music!!! All the elements!!!

Any “parting” words for our readers?

Guilty: Love More!!


Guilty Simpson: Staying Informed & In Form #HH50

Guilty Simpson: Staying Informed & In Form #HH50

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