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Having risen through the ranks by both appearing of projects for other notable acts [David Banner, Gorilla Zoe], as well as penning compositions for the likes of Jamie Foxx and Tyrese, Inglewood, California’s own J-Doe would eventually launch his solo career in 2011 on Busta Rhymes’ Conglomerate label, the imprint formerly known as Flipmode.


Last year (August 11th to be exact) marked the 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop — What exactly does that mean to and for you?

That means, to me, don’t allow your thoughts to get in the way. The things that are placed on your heart to do. Just follow through. You could never even imagine how far they will eventually go.

To quote the late, great The Notorious B.I.G., “You never thought that Hip Hop would take it this far!” — Was this something that you ever could’ve imagined?

Never could’ve imagined this art form becoming as great as it had, and I know it’ll only get stronger from here.

What are some of your fondest, most stand-out moments / memories during your lengthy tenure in this thing called Hip Hop?

Man, I have so many amazing memories…one of them is performing at the Brooklyn Hip Hop Fest with Busta, Tribe, Spliff, and so many more.

That said, what are your future plans and / or goals throughout the remainder of 2024 and beyond?

I’m gonna release a single this year that will change everything for me. By next year, our conversation will be different.


Switching gears here, what exactly do you want people to get from your music?

The soundtrack to Good Times.

If you could collaborate with any one artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Louis Armstrong, no question. He has the most distinct sound and tone of all time in my opinion.

If you could play any venue in the world, which one would you choose and why?

Apollo because every Hip Hop artist that was really making moves eventually went through there.

On a more serious note, are you happy with the current state of Hip Hop?

Absolutely! There’s more sounds and more lanes than ever. It’ll only get bigger.

What do you feel has and will continue to be the key to your longevity?

Being great enough to be surrounded by greatness.

Do you have any other outside / additional (future) aspirations, maybe even completely away from entertainment?

So many…I can’t mention them all, but the first will be in fashion.

What’s an average day like for you?

Being a real family man all day; everybody need something, and I have 5 dogs and 5 humans in one house.

Please discuss how you interact with and respond to fans…

I understand I’m literally co-creating memories with each person I come in to contact with, so I use those moments to create happiness (for) both me and them.

What is your favorite part about this line of work? Your least favorite? And, why?

My favorite part is definitely the creative…the least fave is the snakes with bad intentions that be setting you up for the biggest L.

What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Don’t follow me or anyone else, create your own path.

Looking ahead, say five or maybe even ten years from now, where do you see yourself?

Owning a few businesses, and having a thriving fashion line.

Is there anything I left out or just plain forgot to mention?

Nah, you did a good job.

Any “parting” words for our readers?

Lead with love…but follow that up with a good amount of fuck around and find out!


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J-Doe: Mr. Better Than Whoever #HH50

J-Doe: Mr. Better Than Whoever #HH50

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